Welcome to the HDM SDK Developer Guide.
Hard Disk Manager SDK (HDM SDK) provides resources to integrate HDM functions into your software solution. The SDK is based on the development algorithm streamlined for 25+ years. The code was tested and approved in Paragon products by the users worldwide. The SDK consists of two levels: low-level API for interaction with the OS and high-level layer for integrating user applications.
- Getting Started with the HDM SDK C++/C#
- Adding HDM Features to Your Solution
- Code Samples for Basic Partitioning Tasks
- Troubleshooting
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HDM SDK Developer Guide
In this guide, you'll learn how to get started with the HDM SDK, how to add HDM features to your solution, familiarize yourself with code samples for basic partitioning tasks within C++ and C#, look through the API Reference and the troubleshooting guide.
Paragon Software
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Paragon Software
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