Develop applications by using the HDM SDK on any computer where you have the Windows system installed. For more details see the Requirements in the Getting Started with the HDM SDK C++/C# section.

  1. It’s best to use the MS VS 14.0 runtime to start your work with the SDK.
  2. To test the HDM SDK in your environment, we suggest to use our sample first. Download the .zip file to your computer. Unpack it to the designated folder on your machine. Remember to refer to the header files from the Include folder of the distribution package.
  3. Open the sample file in the Visual Studio and use the solution that comes with it. 
  4. Once the sample app complies, add the path to hdmclient_hdmclientlib.dll dynamic or static, as an additional dependency.
  5. Set up callbacks from hdmclientlib.
  6. Make sure everything is linked and there are no errors. 
  7. Test that the sample compiles and runs, you need to introduce the number of your disk, partition, and the new partition in the sample. 
  8. Now you can add more features provided by the HDM SDK. Browse the API Reference and the code samples sections for more ideas.

Required API Functions

All API processes must start with the Hdmclient_Init function before any other calls to the HDM API can be made. Conversely, the Hdmclient_Close function is used to end a process.

Add functions to complete basic partitioning tasks during the initialized process.

For more examples of a basic HDM application, see C++ Code Samples for Basic Partitioning Tasks.

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