This is a code sample to give you an idea how to incorporate a Delete function to your solution. By integrating the Delete functionality into your application, you can remove references to the selected partition from the Partition Table.

Due to internal restrictions, hdmengine cannot work on multiple processes at the same time, so it locks the volume during the process to restrict access from another process. For example, if an additional process is initialized (for example, resize a partition) when the hdmengine is busy with a different process (for example, creating a partition), the engine will not be able to lock the additional process (resize a partition) and will execute it in the Bluescreen mode.

Before you read the code sample:

  • Include the header files.
  • Add hdmclient_hdmclientlib.dll library to your project.
  • Set up callbacks from hdmclientlib.

For more details on the initial setup, please see the Setting Up the C++ Development Environment section.

Add the header files to copy blocks of memory and pull in the rest of the headers from the clientapp engine, including the callback prototypes.

#include <string.h> // memcpy
#include "../hdmclientapp_progress.h"

Set callbacks. You need to implement the abstract interface struct Hdmclient_IProgress.

_Hdmclient_Init                proc_Hdmclient_Init                = NULL;
_Hdmclient_Close               proc_Hdmclient_Close               = NULL;
_Hdmclient_GetInterface        proc_Hdmclient_GetInterface        = NULL;
_Hdmclient_GetLog              proc_Hdmclient_GetLog              = NULL;
_Hdmclient_InstallBluescreen   proc_Hdmclient_InstallBluescreen   = NULL;
_Hdmclient_GetErrorDescription proc_Hdmclient_GetErrorDescription = NULL;

Add a helper function to log output messages. How to set LogPrint please see hdmclientapp_main.cpp or look at a code sample here.

static void LogPrint(Hdmclient_ILog * /* pLog */, bool /* rewrite */, const char * /* format */, IN ...)

Select the disk number and partition number, you want to delete.

HDMCLIENT_ERR Hdmclient_Example_PartitionDelete(unsigned diskNumber,
                                                unsigned partNumber)

Set the variables for the error code, whether a reboot is necessary, and an interface to log the actions as well as the interface to implement callbacks. 

    BOOL bReboot = FALSE;
    Hdmclient_ILog *pLog = NULL;
    Hdmclient_Progress hdmclientProgress;

Set the hdmengine initialization flags and enable run multiple instances of Hdmengine application.

        unsigned int initFlags = Hdmclient_InitFlags::Hdmclient_InitFlag_EnableRunMultiple;

Initialize Hdmengine API: pass engine flags, pass the progress interface to Hdmengine API, pass the application log path. Then get the logging interface.

        err = proc_Hdmclient_Init((Hdmclient_InitFlags)initFlags,
                              NULL, NULL, NULL);

Get the partitioning interface.

        Hdmclient_IInterface* pInterface = NULL;
            err = proc_Hdmclient_GetInterface(&pInterface);

Search for the selected partition by disk and partition number (all numbers zero based, extended and free partitions are also counted). Hdmclient_IInterface::DiskInfo diskInfo = {}; – Displays selected disk info and Hdmclient_IInterface::PartitionInfo partInfo displayed selected partition info.

        Hdmclient_IInterface::DiskInfo      diskInfo = {};
        Hdmclient_IInterface::PartitionInfo partInfo = {};
            Hdmclient_IInterface::EnumDisksInfo* enumDisksInfo = NULL;

Get the disks enumerator and release the disks enumerator.

            err = pInterface->GetDisksInfo(&enumDisksInfo);
                if(enumDisksInfo && (enumDisksInfo->disksCount > 0))
                        if(diskNumber == (unsigned)-1)
                            err = SERR_DISK_NOT_FOUND;
                            LogPrint(pLog, false, "Disk is not selected .. Failed\n");
                        if((diskNumber + 1) > enumDisksInfo->disksCount)
                            err = SERR_DISK_NOT_FOUND;
                            LogPrint(pLog, false, "Disk number is out of range (maximum number is %lu) .. Failed\n", enumDisksInfo->disksCount - 1);
                            auto pDiskInfo = enumDisksInfo->ppDisksInfo[diskNumber];
                            memcpy(&diskInfo, pDiskInfo, sizeof(diskInfo));
                            if(partNumber != (unsigned)-1)
                                if((partNumber + 1) <= pDiskInfo->enumPartitionsInfo.partitionsCount)
                                    auto pPartitionInfo = pDiskInfo->enumPartitionsInfo.ppPartitionsInfo[partNumber];
                                    memcpy(&partInfo, pPartitionInfo, sizeof(partInfo));
                                    err = SERR_PART_NOT_FOUND;
                                    LogPrint(pLog, false, "Partition number is out of range (maximum number is %lu) .. Failed\n", pDiskInfo->enumPartitionsInfo.partitionsCount - 1);

Verify that you can delete the selected partition or disk.

            if(!(partInfo.ActFlags & Hdmclient_IInterface::PartitionActFlags::PartitionActFlag_Can_Delete))
                err = SERR_INCOMPATIBLEOP;
                LogPrint(pLog, false, "Delete is not enabled for selected partition ... Failed\n");

Then perform the delete action (virtual step).

                err = pInterface->Partition_Delete(partInfo.DiskNumber,
                LogPrint(pLog, false, "Deleting selected partition ... %s\n", err ? "Failed" : "Success");

Perform the delete action (physical step) and apply queue or above operations.

                LogPrint(pLog, false, "Applying operations ...\n");
                err = pInterface->Apply();
                    LogPrint(pLog, false, "Applying queue of operations ... Success\n");
                    LogPrint(pLog, false, "Applying queue of operations ... Failed (Result: 0x%x, \"%s\")\n", err, proc_Hdmclient_GetErrorDescription(err));

Close the HDM client API.

    proc_Hdmclient_Close(bReboot, FALSE);

    return err;

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